Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I can't wear the stylish clothes in Iran or I get arrested

Many teenagers around the world constantly check out the latest fashion and normally shop at Gap, Guess, or H&M stores, but for the young people of Iran it is different. We are not allowed to wear the fashion we like, the colors we choose, or the kind of outfits we want.

There is a something called, “Gashte Ershad” the government security officers who stop, arrest, and punish people for not wearing the right outfits according to the government. Normally in other countries, people get arrested for stealing or committing a crime but in Iran you could get arrested for not wearing the right clothes.

This may seem out of the ordinary for many young people around the world but it is a reality for the young people of Iran. According to rules in Iran, every woman from the age of 9 needs to cover her hair and her body. This means that every woman must have a scarf and a long coat to cover her body and her hair. I wished covering the hair and body would be enough but it is not. The kind of pants, the color of scarf, or the style of the shoes you wear could also be a reason for a young person to get arrested in Iran.

Here are some of the rules,

Don’t wear close fitting clothes
Don’t wear any bright colors like yellow and red. Normally black, brown and navy are OK. Don’t wear baggy pants
You can’t wear a jacket, unless it is worn over the long loose fitting coat
Even when it snows, a woman can’t wear a hat unless it is worn over her scarf
You can’t wear boots unless they are hidden under your loose fitting pants

I remember before Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became the president, he said he wouldn’t care about what people would wear. As soon as he became the president he didn’t fulfill his promise and young people kept getting arrested for the kind of clothes they were wearing. The religious authorities decide for what people can wear.

My cousin was recently arrested by the authorities, because her coat was not long enough and her pants were baggy style. She was thrown in a van along with so many other women who each had a supposedly violation of dressing inappropriately according to the Islamic rules. These individuals are given forms to fill out and the government authorities take their pictures as if they have committed a crime. Then the families are notified and some times fined.

If a young person gets arrested for the second time for violating the dress code, she or he could get expelled from school. You could no longer work for the government; you could face up to a month in jail or pay up $1000.00 in fines.

My friends and I like to look like any other teenager around the world, and wished we could wear the colors or the style of clothing we like. It seems unfair and cruel that our basic rights are taken away from us.


Anonymous said...

Why put up with such injustices? Why stand and fight when clearly the world wants this regime for you and will do everything in its power to keep it, including to the point of negotiating with it.

Your rights as a human mean nothing to any one in europe or the usa, money is money and as long as your country has oil get used to your life as an object.

usa already had the headache of dealing with a shah who wanted the best for his country and was charging both the usa and europe for it.

the most we will accept is a more democratic system, provided it does as its told and people are regularly starving to death, like india.

Anonymous said...

Salam, shomaa fogholaade'in...
baavaresh moshkel ast ke yek dokhtare 19 saale chenin webloge mohe va jaalebi ro be English up mikone va faghat bayad begam MASHALLA.
baraye man khoondane English kami moshele che berese be neveshtan , vali be shoma tabrik miam ke inghadr farhikhte va tallented hastin va barayat arezooye movafaghiat daram.
man ham dar level e khodam talash mikonam benevisam va baa omid be azadi va piroozi.
addresse man ine .. ishaallaa ke eftekhaar bedin va check koni:

webloge manam taze ast va az 2009 shoroo kardam. momkene beoodi poste 3 ham up konam.
Movafagh bashi golam,

Anonymous said...

Salam Nazanin jan,
Omidvaram sale no raa baa khoobi va khoshi aghaz kardid va ta'tilaate khoobi dashtin.
Azizam merci az inke be Beenaa sar zadin va avalesh nemidoonestam shoma hastin Nazanin khanume gol.
kheili khosh'hal shodam .shoma nazare lotfetun bood , in shomaa hastin ke kheili khoob minevisin makhsoosan be English,
rasti nemidoonam chera poste jadid nagzashtid vali hads mizanam kheili busy hastin va dars daarid.
Nazanin jaan barayat arezooye movafaghiat va shadi daram, va omidvaram saali por az nikihaa va ghashangi'haa dar pishe roo daashte bashi.
omidvaram baaz ham baa webloge Beenaa hamrah bashi.
Omidvaram roozi az nazdik shoma ro bebinam chon man kheili maayel hastam doostani mesle shoma dashte basham az nazdik.
khoda be hamrahet
Take care

Anonymous said...

You never put mine up that I wrote back in Feb of this year . How I had said that it's really sad that there are places in this world that will not allowed women to go and do as they please or to wear what they please . Those are my basic rights I take for granted cause I 'm a white american women in her late 20s . The bill of rights here states why we never get draged in to a van for what were wearing . If you have ever been to the Us and gone to musems in DC you know about the one " The Freedom Expression "> Well that covers anything from what a person says , does , wears , writes that each is protected from the goverment trying to tell them what to do in their personal lives . The only way one from Iran Understands the way american women are is if they lived here for sometime and has gotten to know ones from here . I hope that one day you get to vist this country that I live and see how we live here . We really don't hate any one from Iran or Iraq . We really don't much about the people there and whay they view things the way they do. All is just a big misunderstanding going on here. Thats all. Thanks for youre time reading this and share it with the rest of the world. God bless the Middle East!

Anonymous said...

That is horrible to hear, my heart is with you peope, i hope soon you will be freeand will be able to do and wear whatever you want as should any human being.
stay strong.

Anonymous said...

what is this bs all about!
as a Canadian muslim girl...stuff like this makes me really angry
Men need to stop oppressing women for their own interests....the ruling class is the problem here!
if the CIA hadnt intefered with Iran years ago including ever other nation in their interest this stuff wouldnt be happening!!
People need to wake up!
The government doesnt care about people, not the bullshit so called "Islamic" regime nor does the U.S.

I pray for all the oppressed minorities in the world, may Allah protect and guide us all.

Patience is a virtue. They may have their plans, but God is the best of planners

God Bless

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Bulan Ramadlan SEO said...

Salam kenal bro

Ramadlan said...

Bagus Gambarnya. orang sangat cantik

Admin said...

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